The Holidays are here! This means sweet, rich, fatty meals and snacks are also among us. So how do we stay in shape during this yummy season? Here are three tips to do just that:
Tip One: Carolyn Coker Ross’s The Binge Eating & Compulsive Overeating Workbook recommends enjoying the holiday foods but try not to overeat them, this includes alcohol. We would also add pre-planning a few healthy meals to incorporate into the mix so that you have that salad or roasted vegetable option to choose from should you find yourself overeating or only eating the sweets. If you’re unsure of what a healthy meal breakdown looks like, checkout MyPlate. It’s a great food resource.
Tip Two: If you’re getting together with friends and family focus on the activities and socializing aspects of getting together instead of the food. Here are a few activities that include movement:
- A post dinner walk
- A pre dinner stretch
- A fun dance activity like trying someones TikTok routine
- If you have a backyard, there’s always tag, football, soccer, or red light green light.
Tip Three: Try to keep up your current workout routine. A lot of people are on a break during the holidays. This break doesn’t need to include an exercise break. Instead, plan at least two days per week where you can workout. On days when you aren’t working out, get your walk on.
Happy Holidays!